The Test of Handwriting Skills, Revised (THS-R) is an untimed standardized assessment of handwriting skills, both manuscript and cursive. The THS-R also assesses writing speed, letter reversal, and case substitutions.
Ages: 6-0 thru 18-11 Testing/Scoring Time: 25 minutes Test Type: Norm Referenced Year: 2007 Author: Michael Milone
The test provides insight to teachers, occupational therapists, and educational therapists who are helping children improve their handwriting legibility. It can be used with any of the popular handwriting programs (such as Palmer, Zaner-Bloser, D'Nealian).
Changes to the new edition include:
Norms extended through age 18 (manuscript and cursive)
Nationally stratified norms
Simplified scoring procedures
Clarified scoring criteria
Handwriting exemplars that reflect current styles including D'Nealian, Handwriting Without Tears, Universal, and Zaner-Bloser
Abbreviated administration procedures
Scoring examples
Scoring training video
Testing tasks include:
Write from memory letters of the alphabet, in upper- and lowercase, in alphabetical sequence
Write from dictation letters of the alphabet, out of alphabetical order, in upper- and lowercase
Write from dictation 8 numbers out of numerical order
Copy 12 uppercase letters out of alphabetical sequence
Copy 10 lowercase letters out of alphabetical sequence
Copy 6 words
Copy 2 sentences
Write 6 words from dictation
Results of the THS-R can be used to:
Identify neurosensory integration problems
Monitor progress of students with disabilities
Determine if neurosensory integration difficulties are contributing to students' learning problems
Guide instructional or rehabilitation practices
Complete Kit Includes: Manual, 15 manuscript test booklets, 15 cursive test booklets, 30 Record Forms, & Training Video.