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The Numbercoach books are coaching manuals which allow anyone to deliver individual support and enables students to progress with math. The clear language and repetition benefits students with dyslexia, and those with dyscalculia benefit from the highly structured approach with clear explanations.
Age: This book is suitable for those who are about 8 years old and upwards or who have gaps in their knowledge and need structured support to make progress.
Plus 1 The introductory book of the series, Plus 1 teaches all the building blocks of numbers and begins to develop skills with mental calculations. The book covers basic number work, such as counting forwards and backwards with numbers up to 10, adding and subtracting numbers up to 10, and introducing doubling and halving.
This book is suitable for those that benefit from extra-support to get their math foundations in place. Plus 1 ensures everyone has a solid base on which to build.
Power of 2 The Power of 2 book begins with teaching number bonds to 10, and then moves on to introducing doubling, halving, addition and subtraction, rounding numbers, multiplying and dividing. It then introduces fractions and looks at worded problems and time. The book is essentially about putting in place the building blocks of numbers and developing skills with mental calculations. It teaches all the mental math required by the Common Core and enables pupils to access the full math curriculum
How to Use It:
There’s a short video below which is all the training that’s needed to use the books. Also, full instructions and example pages are included in each book.
The proven system requires that each question is answered correctly on three consecutive occasions on different days. When a question is answered correctly a tick should be placed on the line, a question answered incorrectly is marked with a dot.
On each page of the book there is space for working out solutions, but students should be encouraged to carry out the calculations in this book without using pen and paper.
It is not intended that certain pages should be used in isolation.
The books have been found to work best when used 4 or 5 times a week, with each session lasting for about 10 to 15 minutes.
What’s in the box:
1 book; Plus 1 or Power of 2
Adaptability: This introductory coaching system for math success allows for repeated practice and goes at the students individual pace. It is aligned with the common core.