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Description: Includes 40 large premium colorful and beautifully illustrated community helpers and persons in uniform. The cards are designed:
To encourage children to observe picture details To improve memory To improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by requiring children to grasp and flip the memory cards To develop cognitive abilities by memorizing card locations To create a social learning environment and encourage turn-taking skills. To support language development through play and increase vocabulary.
Each box contains a clear instruction card. Durable, high-quality, colorful 4.5" x 3.5" picture cards.
How to Use It: Using the cards, play games such as Old Maid, Guess Who, Go Fish, Headbands, and Memory. A game can be played in less than 15 minutes with 1-6 players ages 3 and up. Great for pre-school, classroom, speech therapy, center play, autism, education, and ESL and ELL games. Create your own ideas as well!
Suggestions for Card Games:
Match It: Shuffle cards and place face side down on a flat surface. Players take turns selecting and turning 2 cards over on each turn. If they are the same and "match," the player keeps the set of cards. If they do not match, the cards are turned over and the next player takes a turn. The player with the most card sets at the end of the game is the winner.
Builds the Skills of: Working Memory Visual Discrimination Improves Concentration Turn-Taking & Social Skills
Ask It: Spread the cards face up on the table. One person selects a card by thinking about it, and the other players ask questions to guess "who" the selected community helper is. Ask questions like "Does your person have a hat?" or "Does your person wear a badge?" The game continues until opponents identify the correct card that was chosen.
Builds the Skills of: Process Of Elimination Formulating Questions Discrimination Describing
Link It: Select 2 different community helpers cards. Describe and tell how they are the same and how they are different. Use descriptions like "who" they help, "what" they do, "what" they use to get the job done, "where" they work, "when" they work, "why" they work, and "how" they do their job.
Builds the Skills of: Comparing & Contrasting Describing Categorizing Associations
Use It: Use cards when teaching students about community helpers. Teach the concept of answering "WHO" questions, an important skill for the foundations of language. These incredible illustrations are fresh, bright, and amazingly kid-friendly.
Cards Include the Following Community Helpers. Each Helper is depicted on 2 cards for a total of 20 helpers (40 cards).
Artist Astronaut Baker Construction Worker Cook Custodian Dentist Doctor Farmer Fire Fighter Garbage Collector Landscaper Librarian Mail Carrier Mechanic Pilot Plumber Police Officer Teacher Vet
Adaptable for all ages! Spark Community Helpers Matching Cards is a great memory game for BOYS and GIRLS ages 2 and up. Great for kids and family play. Easily adaptable to multiple levels by using fewer cards when playing. Builds confidence and boosts self-esteem by providing a sense of achievement. Introduces children to the world around them and is excellent for interactive learning play.
This game is great for co-treatment between a SLP and an OT to work on bilateral integration, visual perceptual skills as well as fine motor of flipping the cards over!