Some children need practice saying specific speech sounds and combining them in words and phrases. Drills for Sounds Song Set 3 offers that practice. Our Drills for Sounds Song Set 3, combined with our Blast Off Board Sound Sequencing Set, will give you a complete program that is so much more fun than flashcards!
See song titles and basic goals of each written below as well as song samples.
Benefits of Drills for Sounds Song Set 3
Gives countless imitation opportunities of simple words and phrases emphasizing the following consonants: vowels, h, m, w, t, d, n, k, f, s, sh, ch, y, b, and j.
Teaches early functional vocabulary at a level similar to Song Set 1
Comes with printable visuals to enhance learning for each song
Promotes more consistent imitation with the cue, “your turn” on most songs
Gives children opportunity for gross motor movement with action songs
Encourages early literacy by focusing on beginning letter sounds, an important precursor to reading
Great for all children but especially for
Kids with apraxia
Early elementary age
Kids with articulation disorders
Kids with phonological disorders
Kids with delayed or limited speech and language skills
Kids with autism
Kids of all ages depending on the child’s skill level – (We have found many older children who love our songs as they offer them enjoyable speech practice at a level they feel successful)
Parents, speech-language pathologists, and educators who are looking for a learning tool for children
Product Details
25 simple, catchy songs
Files of 200 printable visuals in color and black and white that each song (can be printed or emailed to your iPad and viewed through iBooks)
Kids and adults singing together and taking verbal turns
2 instrumental tracks to create word and phrase practices specifically for your child
12 page manual with suggested activities to enhance each song
Lyrics of every song
Free download of songs in Mp3 format when you purchase the USB or CD set.