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Rhythm of the Words: Integrating Multicultural Songs & Games with Occupational Therapy to Improve Literacy presented by Cleopatra Knight-Wilkins, OTD, MED, OTR/L
May 28, 2019
Webinar description
The Rhythm of the Words interactive webinar provides access to an evidence-based conceptual framework and multimedia curriculum to help occupational therapy practitioners utilize children's songs and games to enhance student engagement in the occupations of literacy. Participants will examine current legislated mandates along with the AOTA literacy stance for school-based OT practitioners. An understanding of the relationship between the developmental continua of children's musical play and the sensory integration/perceptual motor underpinnings of language-literacy acquisition will be promoted. If an occupational therapist's toolkit includes a rich repertoire of strategies for using multicultural children's music and movement in combination with other interventions, then practitioners may be better equipped to enhance student performance outcomes.
Certificate of Attendance
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