Discover safe, durable teething and developmental chews designed to support babies and toddlers in reaching oral motor milestones like tongue lateralization and chewing skills.
"internalid": "1732"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Q-Baby-Stage-1-Chewy-Ps-and-Qs"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 1): Chewy P's and Q's"
, "hideincategory": ""
Babies love to mind their Ps & Qs with these fun and flexible letters that support the healthy development of biting and chewing skills.
"internalid": "2625"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Q-Baby-Stage-1-Chewy-Mini-Chew"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 1): Chewy Mini Chew"
, "hideincategory": ""
The Chewy Mini Chew is perfect for little ones to organize and learn new biting and chewing skills.
"internalid": "1741"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Ps-in-a-Pod-Stage-1"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 1): Chewy Ps in a Pod"
, "hideincategory": ""
These two fun green Chewy Ps offer a smooth flexible surface perfect for new gums and sprouting teeth to practice biting and chewing skills.
"internalid": "1682"
, "storeurl": "/Tri-Chews"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Tri-Chew and Tri-Chew XT"
, "hideincategory": ""
Designed with ridges, bumps and swirls on each end to simulate the various textures of food used for chewing.
"internalid": "8690"
, "storeurl": "/Baby-Grabber-Dual-Texture"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Baby Grabber Dual Texture"
, "hideincategory": ""
Designed to help parents and therapists assist babies in the early stages of oral development.
"internalid": "1738"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Q-Baby-Stage-2-Knobby-Qs"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 2): Knobby Qs"
, "hideincategory": ""
Knobby Q offers a flexible and bumpy surface, perfect for new teeth getting ready to start chewing foods.
"internalid": "3743"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Q-Baby-Stage-2-Knobby-Ps-in-a-Pod"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 2): Knobby Ps in a Pod"
, "hideincategory": ""
"internalid": "2624"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Q-Baby-Stage-2-Knobby-Mini-Chew"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 2): Knobby Mini Chew"
, "hideincategory": ""
Knobby Mini Chews offer a fun bumpy surface for little ones to practice biting and chewing skills.
"internalid": "3744"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Q-Baby-Stage-2-Knobby-Ps-And-Qs"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Q Baby (Stage 2): Knobby P's and Q's"
, "hideincategory": ""
"internalid": "8574"
, "storeurl": "/Oral-Development-Tools"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Oral Development Tools"
, "hideincategory": ""
Sensorimotor devices designed to help babies and toddlers practice their feeding, munching, biting and chewing skills.
"internalid": "4070"
, "storeurl": "/Juniorbeads-Spring-Heart-Necklace"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Juniorbeads Spring Heart Necklace (Glow in the Dark)"
, "hideincategory": ""
100% silicone children's jewelry. Colorful, chic, and free of unwanted chemicals.
"internalid": "4076"
, "storeurl": "/Chewbeads-Bleecker-Necklace"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewbeads Bleecker Necklace"
, "hideincategory": ""
Made of 100% silicone beads; soft on babies gums and emerging teeth
"internalid": "912"
, "storeurl": "/Chewy-Tubes"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chewy Tubes"
, "hideincategory": ""
Practice Biting and Chewing with Chewy Tubes
"internalid": "924"
, "storeurl": "/Super-Chews"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Super Chews"
, "hideincategory": ""
Another great Chewy Tube for practicing biting and chewing skills.
"internalid": "1711"
, "storeurl": "/Y-Chew"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Y-Chew"
, "hideincategory": ""
Another great product to assist in oral exploration
"internalid": "5417"
, "storeurl": "/Chew-Stixx-Reach"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chew Stixx Reach"
, "hideincategory": ""
For children and adults.
"internalid": "1667"
, "storeurl": "/Original-Grabber-Oral-Motor-Chew-Tool"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Original Grabber® Oral Motor Chew Tool"
, "hideincategory": ""
Soft and very chewy for mild chewers or those with limited jaw strength.
"internalid": "1703"
, "storeurl": "/Textured-Grabber-Sensory-Chew"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Textured Grabber® Sensory Chew"
, "hideincategory": ""
Each surface serves to add extra tactile sensations to the lips, cheeks, gums, and tongue.
"internalid": "1760"
, "storeurl": "/Chew-Lolli"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chew Lolli"
, "hideincategory": ""
Kids LOVE these fun new lollipop-shaped chewy fidgets!