The Neuropsychological Assessment Battery® (NAB) Attention Module is a comprehensive and co-normed assessment that offers the combined strengths of both a flexible and fixed battery to allow clinicians to focus on specific areas of concern. The NAB Attention Module is designed for individuals aged 18 to 97 years and can be administered in just 45 minutes. The NAB Attention Module empowers clinicians to delve into specific areas of concern related to attentional capacity, working memory, psychomotor speed, selective attention, divided attention, and information processing speed.
Format: Paper and pencil Age Range:18 years to 97 years Time: 45 minutes
Key Features:
Flexible and Fixed Battery Combination: The NAB uniquely combines the strengths of both flexible and fixed battery components, providing clinicians with the ability to tailor assessments to address specific cognitive concerns with unparalleled precision.
Comprehensive Attentional Assessment: The Attention Module provides a marker of an individual’s attentional capacity, working memory, psychomotor speed, selective attention, divided attention, and information processing speed.
Standardization: All NAB tests were standardized on the same sample of more than 1,400 healthy adults.
Extensive Validation Evidence: Backed by rigorous exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, criterion validity investigations, and multiple clinical validation studies, the NAB stands as a psychometrically sound tool with a wealth of validation evidence.
Real-World Validity Studies: Additional validation studies include comparisons with measures of functional independence in an inpatient rehabilitation hospital and investigations involving simulated malingerers. These studies demonstrate the NAB's efficacy in real-world scenarios and its ability to differentiate genuine cognitive functioning from potential malingering.
What's In The Box
NAB Attention Module Kit: Includes Attention Module Form 1 materials [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets, 3 Scoring Templates] and Attention Module Form 2 materials [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets, 3 Scoring Templates].
NAB Form 1 Attention Module Stimulus Book: Includes 1 NAB Form 1 Attention Module Stimulus Book
NAB Form 2 Attention Module Stimulus Book: Includes 1 NAB Form 2 Attention Module Stimulus Book
NAB Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation Manual: Includes 1 NAB Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation Manual
NAB Psychometric and Technical Manual: Includes 1, 307 page, NAB Psychometric and Technical Manual
NAB U.S. Census-Matched Norms Manual: Includes 1, 216 pages, NAB U.S. Census-Matched Norms Manual