Fidgets are great quiet toys for adults and children - you can't help but to play with them! Great for proprioceptive input and upper arm strengthening, these fidgets will keep children quiet and focused.
Fidgets for Alerting
These fidgets provide light touch sensations that help wake up the body for improved focus and attention
"internalid": "9039"
, "storeurl": "/"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Boinks® Fidgets"
, "hideincategory": "THC85103"
"internalid": "5874"
, "storeurl": "/Boinks-Fidget-Boinks-Fidgets-3-Pack"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Boinks® Fidgets"
, "hideincategory": "THC85103"
A woven plastic tube with a marble sewn inside.
"internalid": "8848"
, "storeurl": "/Zen-Strips"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Zen Strips"
, "hideincategory": ""
A discreet yet powerful tool for stress relief and focus enhancement.
"internalid": "760"
, "storeurl": "/Theragram-437-The-Use-And-Benefits-Of-Fidgets"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Theragram 437<br>March 13, 2024"
, "hideincategory": ""
The Use And Benefits Of Fidgets!
"internalid": "442"
, "storeurl": "/Theragram-275-Evidence-Based-Support-for-Fidgets"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Theragram 275<br>September 12, 2017"
, "hideincategory": ""
A terrific article was published about Bouncy Bands in Education Week, a National US Newspaper, that we thought worthy of sharing with you...
"internalid": "8651"
, "storeurl": "/Go-Support-Wrist-Fidget-Set-of-2"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Go-Support Wrist Fidget (Set of 2)"
, "hideincategory": ""
Two great uses in a comfortable, adjustable use-anywhere product!
"internalid": "7794"
, "storeurl": "/Pop-Fidgets"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Pop Fidget"
, "hideincategory": ""
A great therapeutic tool!
"internalid": "461"
, "storeurl": "/Therapro-Free-Samples-and-Resources"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": ""
, "hideincategory": ""
Therapro Free Resources
"internalid": "418"
, "storeurl": "/Review-May-6-2017-Weighted-Blankets-and-More-for-Use-in-Your-Sensory-Room"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "May 6, 2017: Weighted Blankets and More for Use in Your Sensory Room or Sensory Carts!"
, "hideincategory": ""
Kristi Langslet, OTR/L ended the 2017 Spring Saturday Seminar Series with her enlightening presentation: Weighted Blankets and More for Use in Your Sensory Room or Sensory Carts!
"internalid": "415"
, "storeurl": "/Review-Mar-30-Apr-1-2017-AOTA"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Mar 30 - Apr 1, 2017: AOTA"
, "hideincategory": ""
The AOTA Annual Conference & Expo in Philadelphia this year surpassed expectations with 14,000 therapists convening at the Convention Center!
"internalid": "175"
, "storeurl": "/Apr-9-2016-AOTA-Annual-Conference-Expo"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Apr 7-9, 2016: AOTA Annual Conference & Expo"
, "hideincategory": ""
We anticipated an energizing 4 days in Chicago at the 2016 AOTA Annual Conference & Expo! Therapro director and owner, Karen Conrad Weihrauch, ScD, OTR/L was happy to be back in familiar territory, having received her OT degree at the University of Illinois.
"internalid": "669"
, "storeurl": "/Webinar-2022-04-12-Integrated-Treatment-Strategies-for-Youth-with-Autism-Spect"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Integrated Treatment Strategies for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders by John Pagano, Ph.D., OTR/L"
, "hideincategory": ""
Integrated Treatment Strategies for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
"internalid": "621"
, "storeurl": "/Webinar-05-11-2021-Are-Sensory-Sensitivities-Interfering-with-Learning"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Are Sensory Sensitivities Interfering with Learning? Strategies for Evaluation and Treatment by Karen Moore, OTR/L"
, "hideincategory": ""
Are Sensory Sensitivities Interfering with Learning? Strategies for Evaluation and Treatment
"internalid": "659"
, "storeurl": "/Webinar-2021-10-26-A-Therapists-Role-in-Creating-a-Calmer-Classroom"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "A Therapist’s Role in Creating a Calmer Classroom by Tere Bowen-Irish, OTR/ L"
, "hideincategory": ""
A Therapist’s Role in Creating a Calmer Classroom (With a Sampling of the Drive Thru Menus for Calming and Stress Busting)
"internalid": "176"
, "storeurl": "/Apr-15-2016-26th-Annual-Resources-for-People-with-Autism-Conference"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Apr 15, 2016: 26th Annual Resources for People with Autism Conference"
, "hideincategory": ""
Therapro was delighted to return to the Community Resources for People with Autism 26th Annual Conference on April 15th, in Agawam, MA. This year’s conference, which is dedicated to providing information and networking opportunities for families and professionals, drew a sold-out crowd of 650 attendees.
"internalid": "4965"
, "storeurl": "/Therapro-Fidget-Kit"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Therapro Fidget Kit"
, "hideincategory": ""
At the request of many parents we put together a kit of the most popular fidgets.
"internalid": "366"
, "storeurl": "/Mindful-Moments-in-the-Midst-of-Caregiving"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Oct 15, 2016: Mindful Moments in the Midst of Caregiving"
, "hideincategory": ""
Emily Zeman, OTD, MS, OTR/L addressed the topic of mindfulness in her Therapro Saturday Seminar, Mindful Moments in the Midst of Caregiving: Quality of Life for Professionals and Parents.
"internalid": "613"
, "storeurl": "/Therapro-Handy-Guides-Find-Your-Fidget"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Find Your Fidget!"
, "hideincategory": ""
Find the perfect fidget!
"internalid": "64"
, "storeurl": "/Oct-17-2014-OT-PT-Coordinators-Meeting"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Oct 17, 2014: OT & PT Coordinators Meeting"
, "hideincategory": ""
I had the pleasure of representing Therapro at the OT/PT Fall 2014 Conference at Northern Illinois University on October 17, 2014.
"internalid": "56"
, "storeurl": "/Apr-7-2015-25th-Annual-Community-Resources"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Apr 7, 2015: 25th Annual Community Resources"
, "hideincategory": ""
Therapro was invited to be one of the 22 exhibitors at the Community Resources for People with Autism Annual Conference on Apr 7th, in Holyoke, MA.
"internalid": "7912"
, "storeurl": "/Mondo-Jellyfish_2"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Water Wigglers"
, "hideincategory": "THS02401"
Great for sensory play for the gentle child!
"internalid": "5401"
, "storeurl": "/Seminar-Registration-0517"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "May 6, 2017: Weighted Blankets and More for Use in Your Sensory Room or Sensory Carts!"
, "hideincategory": ""
Kristi Langslet, OTR/L
"internalid": "4936"
, "storeurl": "/Glitter-Bead-Ball"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Glitter Bead Ball"
, "hideincategory": ""
"internalid": "101"
, "storeurl": "/Jan-16-2016"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Jan 16, 2016: Regulation in the Classroom from an Educator’s Perspective"
, "hideincategory": ""
Victoria Munroe, MA arrived at Therapro on Saturday morning, January 16th as a breath of fresh air from Amherst, Massachusetts where she is an innovative 1st grade teacher within an inclusion model.
"internalid": "5733"
, "storeurl": "/24-pack"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Fidget Pencils"
, "hideincategory": "TAS9905-4"
These colorful pencils are so great that many of Therapro's staff use them!
"internalid": "555"
, "storeurl": "/Review-Aug-24-2019-Back-to-School-Bootcamp"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "August 24, 2019: Back to School Bootcamp!"
, "hideincategory": ""
On August 24th, Therapro’s Saturday Seminar Series returned from summer hiatus with a timely and very well received presentation from Karen Hefler, OT, OTR, entitled Back to School Bootcamp!
"internalid": "3271"
, "storeurl": "/DNA-Ball"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "DNA Ball"
, "hideincategory": ""
Filled with mini spheres in hot neon colors.
"internalid": "7910"
, "storeurl": "/Mondo-Jellyfish_3"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Water Wigglers"
, "hideincategory": "THS02401"
Great for sensory play for the gentle child!
"internalid": "7768"
, "storeurl": "/SensiPod-Desk-Fidget"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "SensiPod Desk Fidget"
, "hideincategory": ""
Help stay focused with these 4 stimulating textures in one
"internalid": "569"
, "storeurl": "/Review-Nov-16-2019-Advanced-Treatment-Strategies-for-Youth-with-Complex-Behav"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "November 16, 2019: Advanced Treatment Strategies for Youth with Complex Behavioral Challenges"
, "hideincategory": ""
On November 16, John Pagano, PhD, OTR/L presented his Therapro Saturday Seminar, Advanced Treatment Strategies for Youth with Complex Behavioral Challenges, to a captivated audience.
"internalid": "455"
, "storeurl": "/Review-Sep-9-2017-Tools-to-Build-Self-Regulation-Sensory-Processing-and-More"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Sep 9, 2017: Tools to Build Self Regulation: Sensory Processing and More"
, "hideincategory": ""
A captive audience representing a broad range of disciplines attended Therapro’s September Saturday Seminar featuring Lise Gerard Faulise, MS, OTR/L, BCP.
"internalid": "9193"
, "storeurl": "/Calming-Clips-by-Bouncyband-Classpack"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Calming Clips by Bouncyband®: Classpack"
, "hideincategory": ""
Portable sensory fidget clips that provide calming relief, promoting focus and stress management for kids and adults with sensory processing needs.
"internalid": "36"
, "storeurl": "/November-2-2013-Weighted-Blankets-and-more"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "November 2, 2013: Weighted Blankets and more!"
, "hideincategory": ""
Kristi Langslet, OTR/L
"internalid": "1761"
, "storeurl": "/Chew-Lolli_2"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chew Lolli"
, "hideincategory": "THS44603"
Kids LOVE these fun new lollipop-shaped chewy fidgets!
"internalid": "456"
, "storeurl": "/Review-Nov-4-2017-The-Impact-of-Personalized-Sensory-Tool-Kits-on-Adolescents"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Nov 4, 2017: The Impact of Personalized Sensory Tool Kits on Adolescents"
, "hideincategory": ""
Jean MacLachlan, PhD, OTR/L’s November 4th 2014 Saturday Seminar was entitled: The Impact of Personalized Tool Kits on Adolescents with Mental Illness: How to Assess, Develop and Integrate into Daily Routines.
"internalid": "439"
, "storeurl": "/Review-Aug-7-8-2017-25th-Annual-Ohio-OT-PT-School-Based-Practice-conference"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Aug 7-8, 2017: 25th Annual Ohio OT/PT School-Based Practice conference"
, "hideincategory": ""
The Annual Ohio OT/PT School-Based Practice conference celebrated its 25th year on August 7-8 in Columbus! From one year to the next, this conference attracts therapists from Ohio as well as surrounding states. This year the venue was bursting with almost 700 energized attendees. The conference always offers exceptional speakers who present the latest information for both new and seasoned therapists.
"internalid": "1763"
, "storeurl": "/Chew-Lolli_4"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chew Lolli"
, "hideincategory": "THS44603"
Kids LOVE these fun new lollipop-shaped chewy fidgets!
"internalid": "1762"
, "storeurl": "/Chew-Lolli_3"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chew Lolli"
, "hideincategory": "THS44603"
Kids LOVE these fun new lollipop-shaped chewy fidgets!
"internalid": "5734"
, "storeurl": "/Fidget-Pencils_3"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Fidget Pencils"
, "hideincategory": ""
These colorful pencils are so great that many of Therapro's staff use them!
"internalid": "604"
, "storeurl": "/Fidgety-The-Hand-Fidget-with-Wrist-Strap"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Fidgety: The Hand Fidget with Wrist Strap"
, "hideincategory": ""
No more dropped or thrown fidgets!
"internalid": "8533"
, "storeurl": "/Wikki-Stix-Fidgit-Stix"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Wikki Stix Fidgit Stix"
, "hideincategory": ""
An ideal silent fidget tool to help organize and calm
"internalid": "7795"
, "storeurl": "/Pop-Fidget-Octogon_2"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Pop Fidget"
, "hideincategory": "THS01510"
A great therapeutic tool!
"internalid": "605"
, "storeurl": "/Fidgety-The-Hand-Fidget-with-Wrist-Strap_2"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Fidgety: The Hand Fidget with Wrist Strap"
, "hideincategory": "THS44001"
No more dropped or thrown fidgets!
"internalid": "7796"
, "storeurl": "/Pop-Fidget-Octogon_3"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Pop Fidget"
, "hideincategory": "THS01510"
A great therapeutic tool!
"internalid": "1760"
, "storeurl": "/Chew-Lolli"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Chew Lolli"
, "hideincategory": ""
Kids LOVE these fun new lollipop-shaped chewy fidgets!
"internalid": "63"
, "storeurl": "/Spaghetti-Ball"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Spaghetti Ball"
, "hideincategory": ""
This is a great quiet fidget !
"internalid": "75"
, "storeurl": "/Nov-2-2013-Saturday-Seminar-Weighted-Blankets-and-More"
, "thumbnail": ""
, "pagetitle": "Nov 2, 2013: Saturday Seminar - Weighted Blankets and More!"
, "hideincategory": ""
Therapro’s November 2nd Saturday Seminar Series speaker was Kristi Langslet, OTR/L, who spoke on Weighted Blankets and More!
Results 1-48 of 52 1 2