The Augmentative & Alternative Communication Profile: A Continuum of Learning (AACP) includes everything you need to assess communicative competence and design intervention for the ever-changing needs of people who use AAC systems.
Ages: 2 years to 21 years Grades: Toddler-Adult Testing Time: 60-90 minutes
The Profile has two functions: 1. An assessment tool that measures subjective, functional skills for developing communicative competence using AAC systems; re-evaluates skill level; and monitors progress. 2. A guide to help manage clients who use any type of speech-generating AAC system. The profile grew out of the literature related to critical pathways and continuums of care implemented to increase quality of care and efficiency and to reduce costs.
The Profile allows you to:
identify areas of strengths and those that need intervention and instruction
determine functional, long-range outcomes and the steps toward achieving them
compare individual performance over time toward desired outcomes
identify ways that AAC support team members can define and coordinated their roles for intervention and instruction programs
identify and provide optimal learning environments
Originally developed for use with children who use speech-generating systems; the AAC Profile is appropriate for use with adults who do not have acquired communication disorders and who use AAC systems. The Profile is not specific to a disorder, severity, or setting.
Subtests Assessment items are divided hierarchically into ability-based levels called Skill Set Levels in four Areas of Learning. Skill Set Levels range from simple and early functioning to independent use and AAC system mastery. These areas are adapted from the work and publication of Janice Light, 1989.
Operational Area of Learning: Assess the development of the technical skills used to operate the AAC system, including the ability to access the system to transmit information. Skill Set Levels include Orientation and Awareness, Manipulation, Focused Use, AAC System Navigation, and AAC System Programming and Use./li>
Linguistic Area of Learning: Assess the development of receptive and expressive language skills used in the home and community, the knowledge and use of the language "code" of the AAC system, and the ability to attend to both during a communicative interaction. Skills Set Levels include Communication Awareness, Communication with Specific Meaning, Communication by Combining Words, Communication Using Syntax and Morphology, and Communication Using refined Language./li>
Social Area of Learning: Assess the development of skills needed for social communication including the individual's self-image as a communicator and the desire to communicate reciprocally with others. Skill Set Levels include Natural Behaviors, Effective Regulatory Behaviors, Practiced Interaction, Social Awareness and Competence, and Social Mastery./li>
Strategic Area of Learning: Assess the knowledge of what can be communicated and how best to communicate it as well as developing compensatory strategies for effective communication. Skill Set Levels include Pre-Intentional/Reflexive, Intentional, Programmed Message Use, Appropriate Message Selection and Use, and Strategic Mastery.
Scores/Scoring Rather than scores, the frequency an individual demonstrates the skills/behaviors are rated on a 3, 2, 1 scale:
3 = Frequently
2 = Sometimes
1 = Seldom
Based on how frequently skills are used, the support team determines a Communicative Competence Level. The level can be:
where the individual currently demonstrates a majority of the assessment skills
set higher if the team determines it is a realistic goal for the individual where intervention is targeted
different for each Area of Learning
Use the results to determine which skills the individual needs to develop or increase competency with his AAC device. Profile results guide intervention and instruction by providing a systematic way to meaure and document progress.
Test Set includes: Examiner's Manual, 15 Profile Forms