Derived from the Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW), the FAW Screening Form was designed to identify children at risk for developmental dysgraphia within a multitiered system of support service delivery model. The FAW Screening Form measures the core features of writing from both a graphomotor and cognitive-linguistic perspective in order to best inform intervention decision making at various developmental levels of the writing process.
Due to the developmental nature of the written language process, the FAW Screening Form concentrates more on the graphomotor demands of the writing process. For examinees in Grade 2 and above, the FAW Screening Form focuses more on the cognitive-linguistic demands of the written language process.
Purpose: Screens students for possible written language disorders Format: Paper and pencil Age Range: 5 years to 22 years Grade Range: Kindergarten to College Time: 15 minutes for K-Grade 1; 20 minutes for Grade 2+
Features and benefits
Examinees in kindergarten to Grade 1 complete three subtests: two from the Graphomotor Index (Alphabet Tracing Fluency and Motor Sequencing) and one from the Dyslexic Index (Isolated Spelling). Examinees in Grade 2 and above complete three subtests: one from the Graphomotor Index (Alphabet Tracing Fluency), one from the Dyslexic Index (Isolated Spelling), and one from the Executive Index (Executive Working Memory). These subtests were selected as the best representation of each of the three FAW index structures.
Yields a single index score that indicates risk for dysgraphia or a written language ID.
Intended to assist examiners in deciding whether the risk of dysgraphia or a written language ID is high enough to warrant further assessment.
Plus, this kit includes a certificate for 5 FREE FAW Screening Form Score Reports on PARiConnect!
Complete Kit includes: FAW Professional Manual, Administration and Scoring Guide, Screening Stimulus Book, 10 Screening Examinee Response Forms, 10 Screening Examiner Record Forms, and Scoring Templates.