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The Carolina Curriculum for Preschoolers with Special Needs (CCPSN) is designed for the assessment and teaching of children with mild to severe special needs from 2 to 5 years' developmental age.
Purpose: For use with young children who have mild to severe disabilities, this system helps professionals to evaluate a child's progress in five developmental areas and encourage children's development through teaching activities. Ages: 2 to 5 years Testing Time: Assessment is based on a parent interview, observations of a child's play and directed assessment activities. Time varies with the age and skill of the child, from 1 to 2 hours, and does not need to be completed in one session. After the initial assessment, the assessment log is updated as the child masters skills, making subsequent formal assessments very brief.
The volume first takes users step-by-step through the asssessment process - from setting up to scoring and charting assessment results - with a sample Assessment Log (available separately in packages of 10).
The curriculum itself is divided into 22 logical teaching sequences covering five developmental domains: cognition, communication, social adaptation, fine motor, and gross motor. Once the initial assessment is complete, professionals select curricular items (there are more than 400) that correspond to each child's special needs.
As in CCITSN, each curricular item follows the same format: title, objective, materials needed, teaching procedures, routine integration strategies, and sensorimotor adaptations. The uncomplicated format and jargon-free language make CCPSN easy to use and easy to share with families.
The Assessment Log and Developmental Progress Charts packages are indispensable companions to The Carolina Curriculum.
The Assessment Log's convenient recording system encourages data collection about a child's performance of hundreds of discrete skills in more than 20 developmental subdomains. The curriculum volumes take professionals step-by-step through the assessment process - from setting up to scoring and charting assessment results with the Developmental Progress Charts. The CCPSN log also contains an easy-to-use graphic system for charting individual preschool programs.
The logs and charts keep data organized and accessible, so they allow professionals to focus on developing intervention programs - and not on designing the office filing system!