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The Receptive, Expressive & Social Communication Assessment-Elementary (RESCA-E) assesses multiple functional language and social communication skills in children (ages 5-12) with one comprehensive assessment. Nine core subtests (and five supplemental subtests) present tasks ranging from basic naming (vocabulary) to advanced inference skills to accommodate a wide range of abilities.
Purpose: Receptive Core / Expressive Core / Social Communication Core / Social Communication Inventory Ages: 5-0 years to 12-11 years Administration Time: RESCA-E core subtests can be administered in one hour or less.
Description Based on current research and designed for today’s child, the RESCA-E was developed to provide essential information to professionals and parents about a child’s receptive, expressive, and social communication language skills. It targets critical areas of language development which are often included in IEPs and treatment plans but are difficult or impossible to objectively measure with existing tests for the elementary-age population.
The RESCA-E combines standardized tests with informal observation across different settings to give a more complete picture of a child’s communication skills.
The RESCA-E has 14 components, organized into three cores. Subtests can be selectively utilized to target specific skill areas. The three cores, their component subtests, and associated supplemental subtests are: RECEPTIVE Core Three subtests target receptive language at the word, sentence, and narrative levels:
Comprehension of Vocabulary and Concepts
Comprehension of Oral Direction Concepts
Comprehension of Stories and Questions
Receptive Supplemental Subtests Two supplemental subtests provide more detailed information:
Comprehension of Basic Morphology and Syntax Concepts
Executing Oral Directions
EXPRESSIVE Core Three subtests target expressive language at the word, sentence, and narrative levels:
Expressive Labeling of Vocabulary and Concepts
Expressive Skills for Describing and Explaining
Narrative Skills
Expressive Supplemental Subtest
Expressive Use of Basic Morphology and Syntax Concepts
SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Core Three subtests make up the Social Communication Core. These are supplemented by one optional subtest (Elicited Body Language) and an observational scale to provide information about both a child’s "testable" social-language knowledge and also his or her observed social behavior in the real world:
Comprehension of Body Language and Vocal Emotion
Social and Language Inference
Situational Language Use
Social Communication Supplemental Subtest
Elicited Body Language
Social Communication Observational Scale
Social Communication Inventory (SCI)
The SCI is a 28-item behavior rating scale that gathers information on how a child interacts with others across settings. It provides a more holistic picture of a child’s social communication skills and can be completed by either parents or professionals.
Data collection was based on a nationally representative sample of 825 children ages 5-0 through 12-11 years. Results of reliability and validity studies are provided in the technical manual.
Administration and Scoring RESCA-E core subtests can be administered in one hour or less. Scaled scores are provided for subtests; standard scores are provided for cores and the overall score. Discrepancy scores allow comparison of performance across subtests.
Test Kit includes: Administration Manual, Technical Manual, Receptive Language Test Plates, Expressive Language and Social Communication Test Plates, 20 Record Forms, 20 Social Communication Inventories, 20 Picture Worksheets, Administration CD, and accessories, in a sturdy carry bag.