The Test of Auditory Processing Skills-3: Spanish-Bilingual Edition (TAPS-3:SBE) is a norm-referenced, individually administered assessment of auditory skills commonly used in academic and everyday activities by Spanish speakers ages 5 through 18 years. It provides a way to identify any particular auditory process that the examinee may be having difficulties with and allows for better remediation and planning of strategies. This test is not for assessing language proficiency. While administering this assessment in Spanish and responses expected to be in Spanish, the examiner may use English, if necessary, to give directions. English responses are acceptable if the meaning is the same as the intended response.
Ages: 5-0 through 18-11 Administration: Individual
Speech-language pathologists, audiologists, school psychologists and other clinicians interested in and trained to assess the ability to comprehend auditory information can administer TAPS-3 SBE. Developed with the assistance of Spanish-bilingual professionals, this Spanish version is NOT just a translation, but also includes items that are equivalent to the English version. The norms are specific to this Spanish version and are not generalizable to the English version. This assessment is untimed, but generally completed in about one hour (plus five minutes if using the optional Auditory Figure-Ground subtest on CD) and scored in about 15 minutes.
The structure of the TAPS-3: SBE is the same as the English version and represents current views of auditory processing, with tasks progressing from the most basic skills to the most complex. There were allowances made for language and grammar differences. The author, with the assistance of Spanish-bilingual school psychology and speech professionals, wrote the sentences and passages for the last three subtests specifically for the Spanish-bilingual version. Like the English version, factor analyses helped confirm the subtests and index score structures.
The nine TAPS-3: SBE subtests provide information for four main areas (reflected as Index scores). Subtests (and items within each subtest) progress from the most basic skills to the most complex. In addition, there is an optional auditory figure-ground (auditory attention) subtest included on the CD-ROM.
Administration and Scoring While the test is administered in Spanish and the responses are expected to be in Spanish, the examiner may use English to give directions, if necessary, and English responses may be accepted if the meaning is the same as the intended response. Subtest scoring is the same as in the TAPS-3, allowing partial credit in order to reflect more accurately the child's processing ability.
Individual subtests are reported as scaled scores, while cluster scores (Phonological Skills, Memory, and Cohesion) and the overall score are reported standard scores; percentile ranks and age equivalents are also provided.