The Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI) assesses student motivation to learn and participate in educational activities, allowing to differentiate what are issues with academics versus engagement.
Age range: 9 to 14 years Admin: Individual or group Admin time: 20-30 minutes Scoring time: 15 minutes Author: Adele E. Gottfried, PhD
For students with academic difficulties, the CAIMI is an excellent resource for differentiating motivation from achievement and ability factors.
A valuable part of a psycho-diagnostic battery, the CAIMI provides information useful for counseling students with regard to academic interests and course selection, instructional planning to stimulate motivation in weak areas and facilitate intrinsic motivation in strong areas, individualized program planning, and program and educational evaluation by schools and school districts.
The 44 CAIMI questions comprise 122 items in five scales: Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, and General. Results can be reported as T scores or percentiles, and the Profile Form allows a visual comparison of motivational strengths across scales.
The CAIMI is the basis for the construct of gifted motivation, which addresses the concept that individuals with exceptionally high intrinsic motivation have a history of higher academic competence and functioning.