12" diameter disk filled with beanbag pellets that will firmly position anything nestling into it. It can also be inflated. The CoreDisk can be used in many ways:
As a Seat Cushion. Children who crave the movement of these seat cushions often don't have comfortable balance skills. The touch input that the beanbag pellets provides helps the child to feel more secure allowing the seat to be used for even longer periods to enhance focus and attention.
As a Stepping Stone: Use several at a time or just one individual disk.
As a Balance Tool: Use during therapy or play while standing or seated to encourage balance reactions.
As a Lap Weight: Use on the lap for a great deep pressure sensation resulting in calming and feeling centered.
As a Tactile Surface to Touch. Encourages sensory exploration to feel and squeeze.
Can be inflated with a standard athletic pump to achieve a different type of sensation for sitting or standing balance...or keep it as is.